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Board of Directors

The NFA's Board of Directors is made up of 13 members who are responsible for the overall management of the NFA in accordance with the 'Statutes of the National Research Centre for the Working Environment'.

The Board of Directors consists of:

  • a chairperson directly appointed by the Minister for Employment,
  • six members with knowledge of the working environment area, nominated by the Working Environment Council (AMR). The members represent social partners,
  • four members with relevant research expertise from the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, the Technical University of Denmark and a foreign research institution nominated by Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF),
  • two employee representatives.

The Department of the Ministry of Employment and the Danish Working Environment Authority also participate in the board meetings.

The Board of Directors prepares 4-year strategies. In addition, the Board regularly monitors the NFA's work. This is done on the basis of fundamental and strategic discussions, e.g. on the prioritisation of the NFA's research, communication and collaboration with the NFA's primary stakeholders.

Members of the Board of Directors


Administrerende direktør, DEA Stina Vrang Elias

Stina Vrang Elias

CEO of Think Tank DEA 

Other Members of the Board

Jens Skovgaard Lauritsen

Chief Consultant at the Confederation of Danish Employers

Lisbeth Kjersgård

Consultant with the Confederation of Danish Trade Unions

Arbejdsmiljøpolitisk konsulent, 3F Ulrik Spannow

Ulrik Spannow

Working Environment Policy Consultant in 3F

Teamleder/chefrådgiver hos Danske Regioner, Henrik Casper

Henrik Casper

Team Leader/Chief Advisor in Danish Regions

Arbejdsmiljøchef hos Lederne, Lars Andersen

Lars Andersen

Head of Working Environment in Managers

Næstformand i Dansk Psykolog Forening, Dea Seidenfaden

Dea Seidenfaden

Vice President of the Danish Association of Psychologists

Institutdirektør på DTU, Christine Nellemann

Christine Nellemann

Director of the Technical University of Denmark

Professor og læge, Aarhus Universitet, Torben Sigsgaard

Torben Sigsgaard

Professor, Physician at Aarhus University

Mette Gørtz

Professor at the University of Copenhagen

Ståle Valvatne Einarsen

Professor at the University of Bergen

Seniorforsker Jeppe Zielinski Nguyen Ajslev

Jeppe Zielinski Nguyen Ajslev

Senior Researcher at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment

Seniorforsker Karin Sørig Hougaard

Karin Sørig Hougaard

Senior Researcher at the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment.

Josina Moltesen (auhorised)

Head of Office at the Ministry of Employment

Kontorchef, Arbejdstilsynet Jesper Sørensen

Jesper Sørensen

Head of Office at the Danish Working Environment Authority.