The NFA's Strategy
The NFA will contribute to improving the working environment in workplaces in Denmark. We will do this through our research, analysis and communication, and in close collaboration with relevant actors in the working environment field.
Overall Purpose
Our Mission
The NFA conducts research, communicates, trains researchers and advises the authorities to contribute to a healthy and safe working environment.
Our Vision
The NFA provides research-based knowledge of high international quality that can be used by workplaces, the authorities and other actors in their efforts to develop a good working environment.
Long-term Impact for Society
The NFA has four goals for the long-term impact of its work:
- Together with other actors, the NFA helps to identify, research, prevent and manage current and future challenges and opportunities in the working environment in Denmark.
- The NFA's research supports the achievement of the national goals for the working environment.
- The NFA's research helps to implement the national research strategy for the working environment.
- The NFA's research creates societal impact by supporting the knowledge base for the development of the working environment in Denmark.