Young Workers
How young people are introduced and supervised to work is important for their safety and well-being. This introduction and supervision is also important for adjusting the organisational safety practices at the workplace. NFA investigates how young people enter the workforce and are introduced to work, their potential consequences, and how workplaces can best introduce young workers to a safe and healthy working life. Young workers’ work environment is thus an important research area for NFA.
About Young Workers
Why is the Work Environment of Young People Important?
Young people can face challenges early in their working lives that impact their health and work ability later on. Many young workers are eager to make a good impression and gain recognition from their supervisors and colleagues. Furthermore young workers are at a higher risk of workplace accidents and report higher levels of physically demanding work, unwanted sexual attention and harassment compared to older workers. Therefore, it is important for workplaces to introduce young people to a healthy and safe work environment.
Differences Between Education and Work
Many young people are accustomed to receive feedback from their teachers and lecturers during their education. However, on many job sites, it is not customary to give feedback on work performance, which can affect how well young people develop professionally and feel accepted at work. Some young people also encounter physical and psychological challenges at work they are not prepared for or do not know how to handle.
New Forms of Work Challenge Young People
An increasing number of young people are working via digital platforms. Often, they are uncertain about their rights and the regulations that apply to them. Who, after all, is responsible for their work environment when their closest “supervisor” is an app or digital platform?
A new directive from the European Commission (EC) aims to improve the working conditions for platform workers, i.a. by ensuring correct determination of the employment status of platform workers so that they can more easily access information on their rights as wage earners. The transposition of the directive into Danish law must be completed in two years.

Research on Young Workers

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