Accidents and Safety Culture
In 2019, 42,662 accidents with sickness absence were reported to the Danish Working Environment Authority, and occupational accidents made up 62 percent of the total expenses for compensation from Denmark’s Labour Market Insurance. Occupational accidents are a priority area in the ‘National Strategy for Working Environment Research’ as well as the ‘Tripartite Agreement on Prioritised National Objectives for Working Environment Efforts of 2021-2030’, where one of the overarching goals are: ‘Occupational accidents: A strong safety culture in workplaces, with fewer people suffering occupational accidents’. The research programme will contribute to that aim.
The vision for the research programme is to produce innovative research knowledge that can be transformed into action-oriented measures, tools and guidelines that help prevent occupational accidents within the prioritised industry groups in the ‘Tripartite Agreement on Prioritised National Objectives for Working Environment Efforts’. Generally, projects will be developed in collaboration with buyers of research-based knowledge products and tools.
The research area ‘Accidents and Safety Culture’ produces research of a high scientific quality, achieved among other ways through publication in recognised international journals with peer review and through collaborations with other reputable research groups, both external and within the NFA.
Read the NFA's Research Programme for Accidents and Safety Culture

Research on Accidents and Safety Culture

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