Chemical Working Environment
It has been well-established that exposures to a wide range of substances can have a serious impact on a person’s health. Employees across many industries in Denmark are subjected to chemical and microbiological exposures, and there is a broad consensus that we need more knowledge about these exposures. The ‘National Strategy for Working Environment Research’ emphasises that work involving chemistry should be safe and healthy and that fewer people should be exposed to hazardous chemical substances in the workplace. The research programme will contribute to that aim.
The vision for the research programme is to contribute to the identification and characterisation of significant exposures to chemicals, particles and microorganisms in the working environment. Through research, dissemination and training, we must prevent and manage exposures and help create safer working environments for workers who are subjected to chemical and microbiological exposures.
To ensure that the research targets the most serious and/or widespread chemical and microbiological working environment problems, relevant stakeholders will be regularly consulted; during the project idea phase and preparation of applications, once the research project is underway and in connection with the dissemination of research results. The goal is to achieve the greatest possible social impact.
Read the NFA's Research Programme for the Chemical Working Environment

Research on the Chemical Working Environment

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