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Our Code of Integrity

NFA has joined “The Danish Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity“ about honesty, transparency and responsibility.

The purpose of the code is to promote a good culture in Danish research, help prevent breaches of good scientific practice and scientific misconduct, and contribute to strengthening the integrity and credibility of Danish research.

As a consequence, the NFA has set up a group of researchers whose job is to promote the code by highlighting and debating the NFA’s basic principles of research integrity.

In addition, the NFA has appointed a 'Named Person', who anyone can contact about science ethics issues. The 'Named Person' shall

  • be a respected and recognised researcher with significant research experience,
  • have an in-depth knowledge of the research processes when several people are involved in the same research - partly from their own research and partly from the research of others,
  • be sufficiently advanced in their own research career and independent enough to handle role conflicts without bias,
  • be able to handle mediation and conflict resolution,
  • not be part of the management system.

The NFA has appointed Peder Wolkoff as the 'Named Person'. Peder Wolkoff is a former professor, and now a visiting researcher with the NFA. He has published over 150 articles and has given numerous lectures on research integrity.

Read More About ‘The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity’ on the Ministry of Higher Education and Science Website