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The Economics of Working Environment - WEE2024

The conference is held in Copenhagen June 20 and 21, 2024.

NFA, Department of Economics at University of Copenhagen and Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) jointly organize an interntional research conference aimed at exploring the economic implications of working enivironment and occupational safety and health. The economics of working environment is a conference that aims at bringing together leading scholars from all around the world to study how organizational design and leadership impact the well-being of firms and their employees. The conference theme use the term employee well-being in a broad sense that encompasses firms’ ability to be internally sustainable, e.g., to protect employee mental and physical health, be gender neutral both in work culture and employee pay, attract talent, and reduce absenteeism.

Important Dates and How To Submit

Submission Deadline: 15, February 2024.

We give preferences to full papers but will allow submission of extended abstracts too.

Papers shall be submittet too the conference email WEE2024@nfa.dk

Acceptence decisions will be send out by email March 1 2024.

Participants who wish to attend without papers and or volunteer to be discussants may also write to the email above. The maximum number of participants will be 80 people.

See also call for papers for the conference.