Goldilocks Work - Research and practice
Goldilocks Work is about research and practice for designing productive jobs promoting workers’ health and capacity
This site introduces the vision, principles and approaches of Goldilocks Work. It also describes current and planned projects in the context of Goldilocks Work, resources available for researchers, practitioners and industry to promote and design Goldilocks Work, and contact details for researchers devoted to Goldilocks Work.
The vision of Goldilocks Work is to enhance global public health and employability by designing productive jobs, which promote workers health and capacity.
Read more about the vision of Goldilocks Work
The purpose of the Goldilocks Work research and practice collaborative is to promote development, dissemination and use of the Goldilocks Work approach for enhancing health and capacity of employees worldwide by redesigning productive work.
The Goldilocks Work approach is:
- about getting health and capacity benefits while doing productive work
- about creating a ‘just right’ balance between load and recovery
The Goldilocks Work Principle
The video is financed by the state-owned regional health authorities of Norway, copyright administered by the regional R&D unit for Health and Work in Middle Norway, St. Olavs Hospital HF, Trondheim - Norway. Contact person for this video is: Anne Lovise Nordstoga (anne.l.nordstoga@ntnu.no)
Find scientific papers on Goldilocks Work, newsfeeds, intervention protocols and checklist
Collaborative partners
- University of Gävle, Sweden
- Curtin University, Australia
- National Research Center for the Working Environment (NFA), Denmark
If you want more information about Goldilocks Work or have a query, please email to goldilocks@nfa.dk or to one of the following professors:
- Professor Svend Erik Mathiassen, Högskolan i Gävle, SvendErik.Mathiassen@hig.se
- Professor Leon Straker, Curtin University, L.Straker@curtin.edu.au
- Head of research Andreas Holtermann, The National Research Center for the Working Environment, aho@nfa.dk