The potential of Goldilocks Work to enhance global health
Why Goldilocks Work has a potential to enhance public health at workplaces worldwide
The potential of Goldilocks Work to enhance global health
- Given the large proportion of people at work, and that work consumes large proportions of workers’ awake time, creating ‘just right’ work offers a great potential reach to the adult population
- Because Goldilocks Work is about design of productive tasks at work, it can better support maintenance/enhancement of work productivity and therefore has greater potential for sustainability than paradigms which take away productive time or rely on individual motivation alone
- Creating ‘just right’ work for lower socioeconomic groups provides a mechanism to redress the socioeconomic health gap
- Creating ‘just right’ work provides an avenue to maintain the physical capacity, productivity and employability of aging workers
- Whilst Goldilocks Work focus is on the design of physical aspects at work, it also needs to incorporate organizational and psychosocial properties of work