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Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire - NOSQ-2002

The Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire Group has designed the questionnaires (NOSQ-2002), to be used for study work related skin diseases and work exposures causing skin diseases.


The National Research Centre for the Working Environment has developed the questionnaire NOSQ-2002 in collaboration with a Nordic group. The questionnaire can be used for surveying work-related skin diseases and exposures causing skin diseases.

The questionnaire

NOSQ-2002 is intended for occupational health and safety professionals and researchers for use in research and prevention and can provide more comparable results.

The questionnaire is available in two versions:

  • A short questionnaire for screening and monitoring work-related skin diseases on hands and forearms.
  • A long questionnaire for surveying of work-related hand dermatitis and risk factors in workplaces or in a population.

NOSQ-2002 is developed with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers, which has the copyright to the NOSQ-2002. It can be used free of charge.

Please note, present and possible future translations of NOSQ-2002 cannot be used commercially.

Available translations

 The NOSQ-2002 questionnaire can be downloaded in 8 different languages:










Skin diseases are among the most frequent work-related diseases in the Nordic countries and in many other countries. Work-related skin diseases on hands and forearms are often recurrent or chronic. Both economic and social impact on the individual and the society is considerable. This was the reason a group of Nordic researchers - Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire Group – developed the NOSQ-2002 questionnaire.

The background for the development and the NOSQ-2002 questionnaires and recommendations for adaptation, testing and translation are described in a report published by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2002.

  • Flyvholm M-A, Susitaival P, Meding B, Kanerva L., Lindberg M, Svensson Å., Ólafsson JH. Nordic Occupational Skin Questionnaire - NOSQ-2002. Nordic questionnaire for surveying work-related skin diseases on hands and forearms and relevant exposures. TemaNord 2002:518. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen.

The report can be download in Google Books  

The report also includes a review and discussion of pertinent literature on questionnaire methods for skin disease studies.  

In the report is a presentation of the long version of the questionnaire (NOSQ-2002/INFO) with instructions and recommendations to researchers on for example modification of questions on job and exposure.

Further information